Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17th, 2012

Today I dug in deeper working on my own to understand some of these objects or technologies. I did make progress. I worked with another guest Sky who's a student from Bennington on a "tangle" duet which is the starting point for the more complex modalities. We got through about half of what we need to. I suppose we'll get through the rest tomorrow. It was truly parallel play day. Bill went from place to place in the room working with people on their duets. It was lunch before I knew it.
After lunch there was more parallel play and at about 6pm Bill went into organization mode. He started to organize a sequence from all the things that they've worked on since November. His recall of things that made an impression upon him is amazing. While organizing the sequence Bill still left room for chance occurrences. A group of dancers standing and watching here, two ideas in close proximity there. People were still encouraged to play but with more attention to what Bill might say. Pretty phenomenal.
We go into the theater on Thursday and I take it that's where things usually really take on more sequence and structure.
My body feels good this week. I feel that I'm really getting back into shape. I want to keep it. I feel more supple and relaxed and of course I have no pain in my shoulders for the first time since 1997.
She's Back!
I finished The Hunger Games trilogy just before writing this.
Loved it!
On to the next book The Artist, the Philosopher and the Warrior.
I haven't turned on the TV once since I've been here and really don't miss it.
My gratitude list for today,
My sobriety
My family
My friends
My cats
My home
This apartment
My yummy breakfast
the Internet
My board
Bill's dancers


At January 17, 2012 at 9:43 PM , Blogger harvill said...


At January 18, 2012 at 4:38 AM , Blogger Michael T said...

Sounds like you're having quite the incredible experience. Makes me smile...real big!! Love you...

At January 18, 2012 at 3:22 PM , Blogger George said...

herrlich! grossartig!! at least i think that are german words for "great!"


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