Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 5th, 2012

Today is the last day with The Forsythe Company. Although I will dearly miss this place I'm ready to go home.

I'll save the big re-cap for tomorrow.

Last night's show was really tight.

Whole in the Head was astounding. Thom, Bill and the dancers were as one. Since I know the root phrase and two of the second generation phrases I could see when they were truly improvising and when they were sticking to their phrase, respectively.

Two of the new dancers, Josh and Riley have brought a new element to Bill's work. Taking things into the air. Probably the most difficult thing to do, at least in my experience, without looking contrived or forced.

Paul Taylor would love these two guys. They have cat like reflexes and have a wonderful gift for making things clear and dynamic but not muscled or forced. That was always a challenge for me. How many times did Paul say to me, "You don't have to push to be effective."? They both remind me a bit of Michael Trusnovec.

Stellentstellen was also tighter. The transitions were clearer and the idea of framing seemed more natural and spontaneous. There's something about the piece that's very contemplative. I feel it could go on far longer. It's one of those pieces that one, as a viewer can really live in. Of course I'm much too close to it to be objective but after a couple of viewings I feel as though I've distanced myself a bit.

Freya seemed to think that Bill felt the timings could still be tightened up a bit so there may be changes before the curtain tonight.

You never know.

I leave tomorrow afternoon so today will just be about packing and doing a couple of things in the city before going to the Depot.

Class is in the evening so I will go and take one last time with them.

I have room in my luggage because I'm leaving three hard cover books and, of course, already delivered the two boxes of Cap n Crunch to Tony.

I do miss my kitties, family, friends, back yard and my sober fellows in NY. I'm looking forward to coming home.


At February 5, 2012 at 12:50 PM , Blogger TK said...

Taking it into the air! Can't believe we left that one out of the Shady phrase. Let's do it!!

At February 5, 2012 at 10:28 PM , Blogger George said...

is "taking capn crunch to Tony" the name of one of the sections in the dance? if not, it should be. What an amazing adventure you have had, my dear. I expect you might run off and join the Forsythe circus very soon!

looking forward to talking to you soon and hear the excitement in your voice.

I love you! g


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